Electives on Trial

Electives on Trial

Electives on TrialMoral questions over long-haul travel in the climate emergencyElectives are a cool part of UK medical education; combining opportunities for medical and cultural learning with a damn fine holiday, often in far flung locations....

Why we Sleep? Review and Commentary.

Why we Sleep? Review and Commentary.

Why we Sleep? Review and Commentary.When I were a lad, newly qualified and sporting the full length white coat (medical students wore shorties), sleep was quite a preoccupation. On my first ever weekend on-call, we clocked in of a Friday...

Against Empathy

Against Empathy

A rare literary event occurred in Clifton this year. A bookshop opened. I walked in, was greeted by a very congenial bookseller, and walked out with eight books. One was a work of popular psychology called Against Empathy by Paul Bloom. Clever…