Nappy days

With force not seen outwith the ring
I grapple with this little thing
and undiscouraged by his howling
try to bind him up in toweling

but with a swivel of the hips
from my pincer grip he slips
and e’er another word is said
is sliding deftly off the bed !

without a stitch of underwear
he hides himself behind a chair
and there emits a stream of cackle
dodging daddy’s second tackle

I feel me getting irritable
as I watch this baby dribble
on my shirt and on the floor
before escaping out the door

the little man lets out a hoot
as I close in, in hot pursuit,
and all becomes a mighty boo-hoo
with employment of a hold from judo

my podgey prisoner protests
while fitted with a winter vest
alas it does not make him happy
to be the wearer of a nappy